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The Outlaw's


G/5 double round robin quads.

Monthly on first Tuesdays* at All About Cha, 100 E. Main Street in Bricktown (Oklahoma City)

Sign up by 6:45. Round one starts at 7 p.m.

Entry is $5 (cash) (If you need change, please buy something from the café!).


PRIZES: $10 to winners of each quad.


ABSOLUTELY NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK PERMITTED. Please help us thank our gracious hosts by purchasing something from All About Cha's delicious menu! 


A current US Chess membership is required. Please bring your own set and clock. 


Presented by ChessMates OKC. For more information, contact the organizer at


*Sometimes we reschedule around holidays, blizzards, etc. You can always check our Facebook group for updates. While you're there, join the group & stay connected to all things chess in OKC!


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